Blog & Photo Journal Archive
evolution of the huerto: may 1st…
june 2nd
July 1st…
fruits of the field
inaugurating the new patio for Bet’s 50th
uninvited guests
house and garden…
caper plant still alive!
my housemates…
I took sis down to the sea for her birthday…
The Big Patio Remake
Relaying the water pipe
foundation down…
Flowers of the fields
the huerto before…
… and after planting
al fresco dining
Big Burn #1
las medusas peligrosas
umpteenth asparagus harvest
studio ceiling
hiking and biking…
winter flowering things in the garden…
first almond blossom
first wild. orchid
stalking the wild asparagus
things that grow on walls
cleared huerto
tree sculpting: before
woodpile before
Gat the cat
New Year’s Day swim – brrrr!
But hey, seize that carp…
Blog & Photo Journal Archive