August, Humboldt County CA

July, NYC

BIRD OF THE INNER EYE live stream Aug. 29th 2021

Belatedly and after the fact, I’m pleased to say we managed to do an intense 3 and 1/2 week workshop of this new chamber opera up in northern CA (whilst dealing with rampant Delta variant and wild fires) which culminated in 3 concert performances at the Arcata Playhouse at the end of August, the last of which was live streamed.  The original stream was available for a week only, but was re-posted  for a second week due to the demand for tickets.  I am enormously grateful to everyone involved for making this happen, particularly my librettist and long-time colleague Joan Schirle, the instigator of the project…

for more info on the piece go to or

May & June, Menorca