August 8th – New York

Arrived back in the city yesterday, after a marathon 24 hour journey via Barcelona and Moscow (don’t ask…), to find inches of dust and no phone or internet… hey ho…

what a wrench, to leave the garden, the huerto, sis and gat the cat, not to mention the sea, the island in general… it has been the hottest summer on record which, added to the absence of the trees, has made for a slow pace of life – all the better… aside from my morning and evening swims in the big blue (idyllic, not a medusa in sight since late may), I spent hours every day in the garden and huerto – we had vegetables coming out of our ears – we need to buy a deep freeze if we’re going to continue doing this… my 7 weeks alone were every bit as beneficial as I hoped they would be, and the 3 weeks together with sis after her return were just fine as a result – she had had an absolutely wonderful time reconnecting with her kids, and came back in great shape – of course she has fallen apart since, as a reaction to the repeated separation, but hopefully the island will work its magic on her and she will find her peace again. The place is a lot to take care of by oneself, good with the two of us when we’re both in our right minds – verremos… but these past months have done wonders in repairing the damage of last winter… I have been completely out of touch with the rest of the world, with regards to current events and such, and very happy to be so – I know it’s the old ostrich attitude and maybe I can’t hide forever, but it seems to me that if I can, I will… it is good for me, it doesn’t hurt anyone else… nice work if you can get it…

speaking of which, on to things here… texts & beheadings… taxes.. wish me luck…