November 5th – guy fawkes night, election eve

Remember, remember, the 5th of November,
Gunpowder, treason and plot…

What a week… watching the images come in of hurricane Sandy’s devastation, not being able to reach anyone in downtown NY for 5 days, being powerless to help (thank goodness I brought sam back with me, she says selfishly) – welcome to the future – not a pretty picture… meanwhile, we had a great bonfire night down in Barney on Friday – really fabulous fireworks and the burning of the houses of parliament – all very satisfactory… now we just have to suffer through tomorrow – being 5 hours ahead means we won’t know the results until wednesday – I’m not sure I can stand the suspense… SURELY America is not as stupid as I fear… the apocalypse of Sandy is nothing to what a Romney administration would be….